Monday, September 21, 2009

An angel was sent to help me

God was sent an angel to me last week..
and now he goes again, to find another people to be helped.

I sit down here and smile nicely..
hope one day, he will come here, take a rest, while sharing his experience with me...

tell me about a up to z
tell me from Adam & eve until ascending of Jesus
tell me about moon cake festival until Christmas
tell me from Advertising up to PR
tell me from SWOT up to SOSTAC, from naturalist up to constructivist
tell me about heaven and hell
tell me about many things that I don't know

and on that day, we'll have same smiley face.

He is my leverage..... leverage for mind, heart and faith.
Happy to know him and
Grateful to be his friend...

*a daily journal to remember my journey*

Friday, September 04, 2009

stop... take a nap..... and run.......................


numpang lewat... ika lagi sibuk neh, lebih tepatnya lagii dikejar2 dateline thesis siyh... kalo ga selesai harus bayar lagi 5,5 jt. Males bgt kan, mending buat jalan2 ke Belitong deh....

makanya maap yah kalo jadi jarang posting..
Beberapa hari yang lalu sempet kalut, kacau, eneg, takut, kawatir and kesel....
rasanya udah ga mau lagi ngerjain thesis... ga mau.. ga mau... CUKUP!!!!

bab 1 ampe 3 yang udah dikerjain selama 2 bulan ternyata salah semua (padahal pembimbing gue udah approve aje),
Menurut para panelis S2 harus rombak dari awal lagi...... and waktu sidang itu pembimbing gue ga dateng... (single fighter deh)

trus pihak2 terkait juga tidak koperatif dalam memberi data,
Di samping itu banyak juga pekerjaan laen yang ga mau melepaskan diri dari gue (Padahal gue dah bilang mau cutiiiii dulu dari semua hal)....

Malem itu gue kesel banget... and pressure-nya kuat banget...
waktu itu menjelang tengah malam, gue ga tau lagi mau ngomong ke siapa...
ga mungkin ngomong ke cici gue, secara dia uda bela2in gue buat S2, ga mungkin gue mengeluh ttg ini ke dia....
ini udah malem pula, ga kebayang ajah kalo telp one of charmed famz cuma buat ngoceh2 ga jelas.

Akhirnya gue telp Mr X..... (at least I am able to tell everything to him)
gue telp and ternyata dia uda siap2 mao tidur karena besok dia tugas ke ambon..

I just said....
" (his name), ga mau nulis lagi... cape.."

and he give me a long..long advise...
he asked me to stop think it for a while,
take a deep breath and eat or drink whatever I want,
Asked me do not consider of my weight and do not care how much fat in those food, just eat!!

just that...
but.. after 5 minutes, he send me a message. It full of to do list, what I suppose to do after I take a break... and he keep remind me to pray.
Many thanks to him for any help and support he gave.

Currently I do my best to complete my master degree,
hug and kiss from friends (thanks pue)often energize me....
I will fight for it...
I will keep survive...

nanti kalo uda selesai, kita jalan2 yah teman.... (teringat janji dengan amel and pia.... duit gajiannya uda ampir abis lage neh... (>_<) hehehehe)

Thursday, July 09, 2009

jawaban peer pu3

1. how old are you?
23 years, 3 months, 2 weeks, 1 day

2. at what age do you think you'll get married?
Hmmm I dream to married at 25, but I am not sure... hm... 27 is better
One fact that I know, Love is not enough to build a marriage life, we need a lot of others ingredients

3. who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
hm... I would happy if Jason can do that... but it seems impossible.
hm.. maybe my little niece or nephew (consider that titin is pregnant now)

4. do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
I love beach so much.... but garden will be nice. Takut masuk angin boo kalo di pantai ..... nti honeymoon ajah yg di sono yah...

5. where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
hm... Rome or Greece will be very nice...
btw India is also nice, I like too see their cultural relief, festival, a town with many color, watching sunset in side of Gangga River... and a bit adventure journey.

6. how many guests do you think you'll invite?
hm... depend to budget. I also have to consider about relatives and friends of me, my parents, my husband parents, etc.. I like to treat people actually

7. will that include your exes?
hm...... If they do not mind, I will.

8. how many layers of cake do you want?
its not big matter for me, I agree with any one.

9. when do you want to get married, morning or evening?

10. name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding..
a brand new day (by ten 2 five), hm...I just found that song for my friend's wedding actually........

11. do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon&fork? knife?
hm... anything is fine

12. champagne or red wine?
hm........ for what? wedding toast, for beverage I prefer es puter... I love it...

13. honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
both are ok for me

14. money or household items as gifts?
Money of cros

15. how many kids would you like to have?
2 enough.....

16. will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
hm... yeah... do i have to hire a man to follow us? if not, we will not in the video together...

17. whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
amel, lauce, pia, my sistha, surya, fida, yue, and many moreee

Monday, July 06, 2009

Starting from passion to reach brand new day..

Woke up in the morning, a bit lazy and kept rolling on my bed
took a bath and went to office...

Great morning, with pieces apple as my breakfast (ate while I'm in bus :D) and sure a hardcore road singer's voice accompanied my nice morning.

Arrived at office, as usual, washed my hand, opened my drawer and turned on my lappie. Browsed the most updated news related to my clients industries, analyzed it and served it on their pc a.s.a.p.

suddenly I remembered that I had to complete some administrations of my bank account. So I went to the bank at Senayan City together with Gery, my working partner. After finished some administration process, we took a lil window shopping at “ORANGE” ( a fashion shop). Hope could find some great cheap clothes to buy…

while I tried some clothes, I was wondering about songs that played at the shop. It’s nice song and impressed me much, I knew the singer is Ten2Five, but still didn't notice the title.

I tried to memorize the lyrics and browsed the song…….
After several minutes, yeay I got it….. *joget2* it is 'BRAND NEW DAY"

I found many ten2five songs but my fav are Brand new day and passion.
Those songs are very suitable with my friends' condition…. Brand new day for mba tri and passion for laura….

Soon as I told Mba tri the song, she decide to make it as her wedding song (she gonna married). Similar things with Laura, she posted the song on her blog to express her feeling to her boyfriend.

And honestly I love those songs because both of them represent my life and hope. I hope my passion will change to be a brand new day *of course with someone special in future* Almost every friend of mine said that my relation with XXXX should be more than a friend. We are too closed to mark as friend, but I don't care about it and enjoy this situation. Yes, until now we still friend.

I just like to be with him, feel comfort to spend time together or share stories. Sometimes he can give a great suggestion or saw a problem from different angle. He often convinces me for several decisions, that's why I love to share thought with him.

We share many things, from real condition up to our dream.
We help each others, remind each other (specially about our services in church), sharing perception and discuss alot of thing together.I enjoy watching movie with him, coz he never complain about my watching behavior *hm.. weird term* (yeah I always bring socks to cinema, hit people nearby when the movie got climax *panic woman*). I feel comfort and don't want to broke this condition.

In other side,another man come to my life (actually he's an old friend, let named him biru). We were close previously, before I came back with ultramen…

biru often invites me to spend my weekend with him. Yeah, kind of go to cinema, sharing day-to-day stories, dinner out, etc. He quite intense in calling me, and trying to get attention. However, when we spent time together, I didn't feel really comfort actually. I don't know why, but there is like a gap which make me can't express the 'true' me.

I can't leave him (cause he is very nice to me) but also don't really enjoy to spend time with him. It makes me feeling guilty sometimes and confuse what to do.

Now, I just let it flow and hope God will show me a clue... to a brand new day

Saturday, June 13, 2009

experience 1001 nite - Arabian Party

akhirnya satu project lagi telah selesai *tinggal repot bikin report-nya niyh.

Yup, jadi kemaren tuh Ika jadi project leader untuk acara media relation salah satu client. Sebuah malam apresiasi buat wartawan dengan tema 1001 malam - arabic nite. Wuih persiapannya bikin mau gila deh, contact vendors, bongkar pasang rounddown acara, utak-atik budget and the most important is inviting the journalists and make sure they'll attend the event.

yang bikin susah adalah untuk ngundang wartawan itu memerlukan beberapa tahap:
1.di email, 2. di sms, 3. ditelpon lagi, buat make sure mereka terima undangan
tunggu beberapa hari...
4.telpon lagi untuk mastiin siapa saja yg confirm datang *karena wartawan biasanya baru tau jadwal mereka 18 jam sebelum mereka bekerja*

Tapi syukur puji Tuhan deh, acara berlangsung dengan sgt baik. Walau ada beberapa hal yang bikin dongkol bin jengkel, yaitu organisnya lupa ngasih list requested song ke penyanyinya (secara lagu itu udah direquest client jauh2 hari *tepokjidat. Padahal gue udah ngasih list lagu itu dirinya sekitar 7 hari sebelum acara *masih emosi membara

gilingan pas hari H penyanyinya cengo, ga bisa bawain request songs-nya and gue ga enak bgt sama client and my bos. YAng tambah bikin dongkol,si organis dengan enaknya bilang *lupa, ga sempeet, ga ada waktu latihan* tanpa solusi pula..... *haiyahh...

Untung uda uzur tuh, kalo ga bisa gue oceh2in deh.... *iiih... gregetan rasanya*
Fortunately wartawannya kooperatif semua, Dari 110 yg konfirm, yang dateng sekitar 70 wartawan. and yg paling bikin seger adalah penampilan belly dancernya... *mak nyus booo. Yah oloh, jgnkan co ya bo, gue ajah ngiler tingkat dewa and ga stop ngasih applause ke mereka *ngiri beraat sama perut mereka yang sexy tak berlemak.

Belly dancernya tiga orang, dua org slim tapi padat berisi, yg satu gede bgt (versi pretty gt)tapi pedenya LUAR BINASA... and hal itu bikin doi jadi terlihat sgt sexy.... (I learn something from her, thanks sis)

selain belly dancer ada jg fun booths buat wartawan, kaya booths untuk foto costume, massage, henna painting *gue ga mau ketinggalan, ikut nyobain hena painting jg donk*, photo silluet and shisha.

Acara puncaknya adalah games dengan hadiah utama notebook (ini paling ditungu ama warawan).mereka diminta makan sate bawang bombay mentah 3 tusuk and ngabisin coke 1 pitcher (Hoek.........). Tapi, Dengan semangat 45 wartawan yg namanya IRWEN, buseeet.... angkat empat jempol dah buat dia. Dia menghabiskan semuanya dengan waktu 5 menit saja (gue berasa mau pingsan liat dia membabi buta menghabiskan sate bawang bombay itu)

demi memperebutkan hadiah kedua (ipod Touch) ad hadiah ketiga (Digicam), ada wartawan yg ampe muntah2...aduh kasian juga sih liatnya, tapi apa boleh buat yah...
hidup adalah perjuangan euy.... MERDEKA!!!

Finally, I really thankful to Lord who gives me strength and ability to complete project. Of course to all my team (my incredible and maveners team), to all vendors and of course my client...

here some pictures

Me and the belly dancers

and me and team!

and friends... I recommend Samarra restaurant if u would like to experience Arabian nite (or middle east atmosphere). it's nice place and quite private...............

Laura, lets go out... don't think too much about boy, because boy will be boy, and lets find a man.... hahahhahaha. Buat Amel... maap darling, aku belom bisa join jelajah budaya and jali2 ngiter2 Sumatera (walupun I promise to my Bangka Island that I will come back to see her again). I have another priority to do because the deadline is ticking me. Puput where are u? I still keep the wallet and hope we will meet soon dear. Pia and yg laennya adenm ayem ajeh niyh kayanya...
bebrapa waktu lalu gue sempet mikirin Surya... and how's she yah???

kabar2i aku tentang kalian yah... * miss u alll.... muach*

Friday, May 29, 2009


Mengejar mimpi-mimpi indah
Bebas lakukan yang aku suka
Berteman dengan siapa saja
I’m single and very happy..

Yup, sepenggal lyric lagu oppie mengawali tulisan di bulan mei ini. Tiga bulan 22 hari tepatnya blog ini sepi dari tulisanku… bukan maksud mengasingkan diri, tapi inspirasi dan mood untuk blogging lari tunggang langgang meninggalkan diri kecil ini yg juga sibuk mengutak atik jiwanya…

Lets say hello to everyone first,
Hi pia, hi puput (special thanks, bcoz she fix my cbox), hi amel, hi lauce, Vera, fida, yue, surya, dev2, diah (temen di lia..) and many more….

Among this three months, my life changes very fast… I did many new and excited things…

I worked in a new office (never thought I will work around this area…)
I played Bungee trampoline (diiringi Andra and the Backbone pula… wa….)
I have new comfort friend, I am so comfort to be friend with him… (at the moment, I do not want it change)

I learnt a lot of new thing, being involved to help AGMS (in bahasa we call RUPS), investor meeting, travelling around Jabodetabek to visit many school, and many more……
I join the choir again ( do I mentioned it before?)
And… I went to Jogja – Solo ( I met Sonya there, our beloved friend)

Saat ini gue sibuk kerja, kuliah, nyiapin thesis and ngajar. Walau agak megap2 tapi semua bisa terkendali dengan lumayan baik, at least gue masih punya waktu buat jail-jali or hang out bareng temen2.

Btw, ada suatu opini bahwa hidup itu akan selalu balance each side.
Maksudnya, kalau hari ini loe nangis, pasti besok loe akan tertawa..
kalau hari ini loe bahagia... besok loe akan mengalami penderitaan..

gue termasuk org yg binun dengan pernyataan ini,
di satu sisi gue merasa yeah, that's the way. How can u say u fell happy if u never feel sad? and we called Sad when we do not feel as happy as we feel it before.

but in others ways, I just think... its only point a view...
happy or not its according to your frame..
and its make me scary... when I laugh... or feeling excited.... suddenly I remember that if I'm laugh over or too happy, tomorrow I'll get something bad...
hm.... become confuse of that thought...

How about your opinion? which part are u?

Monday, February 09, 2009

Poni baru.....

Bosen dengan kegiatangue..
Hm...saatnya eksperimen baru niyh...
akhirnya sepulang kuliah ari sabtu kemaren, gue mampir ke salon buat crembath... and potong poni (like I said on previous post)

Hehhee, kali ini mencoba sesuatu yg baru,
kalo selama ini ika selalu poni samping,
sekarang... mau poni depan... kata cici tukang salonnya poni model kanopi... hehehhe...(emangnya gue jendela?)

Tapi ternyata bagus juga loh,
Pada awalnya mayan nyesel,
abis gue keliatan oon bin dudul banget dengan poni model hordeng ini..., tapi setelah banyak yg bilang bagus... ya..jd demen juga siyh.

*foto sambil telp dila, semalem*

Di bawah ini beberapa coment ttg poni baru gue?
Cici : koq mirip poni jupe (julia Perez)
Heh?...(T_T) bikin ilfil ajah disamain sama tukang jamu gendong...

Nyokap: Kaya anak Tk deh...*sambil senyum senyum*

Lukas: Lucu banget kaya boneka Jepang

Lusi : Hehehe lucu, lebih cocok begini

Hendrik: heh? Resolusi niyh? Uda bulan februari baru resolusi..hehehe

Pea: Cantik banget neng, jadi mirip anak sekolah minggu yah ..hehhehehe

Helen: ih cici poninya lucu deh....

Erick: ika imut yah...

Mikel: Imut? Ga salah? *hajar mikeeeeel*

Joni chan2: hehehe.. jadi tambah lucu.. mirip Gundala
*heh? Gue ampe binun, emang gundala pake poni yah?*

Hm.... Bagaimana menurut kalian, kasih komen yah teman....
Cocokan begini atau poni samping yah?... I’ll welcome your comment...

Tuesday, February 03, 2009



update ah, mumpung lagi ada yang seru niyh (sekalian menjawab postingan lau2 and amel)

inget ketika gue bilang mau pegi refleksi brg ma ***** (Mr X),
akhirnya kita jadi juga pegi ke PJ, peginya setelah pulang misa sore,
hm.... karena waktunya mepet, cuman makan and reflexi ajah, padahal sebelumnya pengen nonton juga siyh....

kita reflexi di Spectrum PJ, tempatnya enak loh.....
kursinya juga lebih enak, ada tempat pijet satu badan juga (one time I'll try that)
trus ada suara gemercik air and semacam wewangian yg khas China bgt.
pokoknya jadi rilex bin lemes dah... (bagi yg cape or stress, tempat ini rekomendid koq)

selesai pijet bersama,
mata saiya rasanya ngantuuuk bgt...
trus bdnna jadi lemes, rileks and bawaan pengen tidur kuat bgt.
stengah sempoyongan, gue and ***** mau cari WC dulu sebelum pulang... (kebelet)

Pas lewatin Dunkin Doughnut...
Jreng Jreng......
Saya melihat sosok wanita berkaca mata and pria muda yg lagi baca buku
*kayana kenal*
pas jalan lebih deket lagi.... OMG
itu kan amel, sama berton and nyokapnya..... (berton itu dedenya amel)

hehehehe... Ups Ke-GAP deh...
yah walaupun gue and ***** ga ada papa tapi gue jadi ga enak juga,
ga enak ma nyokapnya and dedenya amel,
kalo amel-nya mah... tenaglah... bisa dijelaskan secara pribadi itu..

pas ketemu, matanya amel itu loh, Yah ampyun rasanya seperti baru nyolong ayam.....
trus dimulailah percakapan singkat...

A: *setelah cipika cipiki* Dari mana?
I: Abis Reflexi....
A: OHHH... I See, *dengan mata yg menerawang kemata gue*

Seketika gue baru inget that gue pernah nulis di Blog yah?

karena gue and dia tidak ada tendensi apapun, jadi gue tenang2 ajah
cuman di akhir obrolan amel dengan gaya nakalnya bilang "samapai ketemu di blog yah"
huehehhehe... gue cuman senyum2 ajah

sekedar konfirmasi jeung....
seperti yg pernah gue bilang, kita emang deket...
sering kerja bareng....
teman yg enak buat diajak ngorbol, ajak discuss...
kebetulan kerjanya mirip jadi bisa saling tolong menolong (kaya pel. PPKN gt)
yah tapi temen ajah.....
and gue lg sangat menikmati masa2 pertemanannya itu..

rasanya seperti ngobrol dengan amel versi co gt deh...
tp dia ga se-puitis amel
ga sekreatip puput...
ga semodis pia....
and ga se-melow lau2
tp enak buat cerita and satu selera ma gue.... :P

sekian konfirmasi dari saiya,

Lauce: kapan mau nonton bu? nti keburu turun dah...

Friday, January 30, 2009

update yo update


Welcome back in my web…
Hhehehe, maap teman-teman kalo ika lamaaa banget baru update…
Ada cerita bagus niyh… tau Titin kan? My lovely cousin, she is pregnant now…..
what a surprise, isn’t it? So soon, I’ll have a nice niece or nephew…
When I met her at Chinese new year, the pregnancy just about 2 weeks old (is it right that i say it old?)
And everyone is just curious and always remember her to becareful,
Hopefully next year, someone will call me aunty… hihihihi (small aunty)

What else yah????
Oh iya, thanx yah puput buat designnya,
Kemaren puput bantuin bikin logo maven yg baru,
I had forwarded to my boss put, but maybe because she still busy with other business, she hasn’t give any comment.

Btw, kantor ku mau pindah loh ke STC (Senayan Trade Center)
Padahal gue lebih suka kantor yg sekarang. Kantor yg sekarang di Benhil, and nyambung ma rumah boss gue. Tapi suasananya enak bgt, ples masakan bibi yg enak bin nikmat.
Selain itu, kantor gue yg sekarang deket ma pasar benhil yg rame ma jajanan pasar, and enak2 pula.

Nanti kalo pindah ke STC, paling makannya di foodcourt and mahal-mahal pula….
Trus gue akan lebih boros niyh kayanya secara kiri kanan tempat belanja, PS atau senci tinggal beberapa meter…. Hua…. hiks…hiks….

Now on ika lagi ngurusin beberapa even sekaligus, event macau, event CSR, daily report buat client, jadi map yah kalo sempet menghilang

Btw beberapa hari ini lagi kangen ma twenty one, terakhir mau ngajak lau2 nonton brides war tp lau2 belom sempet, mau ngajak keluarga Charm, kayanya proses ngumpulin org-nya ajah bakal panjang dan laamaaa (kaya coki-coki), keburu turun dah film-nya…

Aku juga pengen nonton film barunya Jason Stanham (si botak nan sexy itu) hahahhahaha
Pengen bgt nonton niyh, gue sempet nyesel ga keburu nonton australia caused waktu itu gue ke Bangka and pulangnya masih sibuk ngurus ini ono.

Anyway, Kalau jadi, minggu ini mau janjian sama ***** (dirahasiakan supaya tidak berefek samping) hahahaha
Kita mau refleksi brg hahahhaha..
Secara sesama pengguna kompi,
and sama2 menderita kepegalan pada otot bahu sebelah kanan…

Hm… sebenernya gue tau siyh, pijet2 seperti itu ga bagus buat badan, karena katanya dapat merangsang otot jadi ketagihan gt….
Yah karena uda terlanjur kecanduan, terusin ajah lah yah… Tanggung… hihihihi

Hm… oiya, ika mau potong poni niyh… tapi binun potong model samping atau potong lurus yah (model Japanese gt) kalo nyokap gue bilang, model dora… hahahahahha…
Kepengen juga potong model dora, kan aku belom pernah punya poni seperti itu…
Lucu atau culun yah jadinya?......*binun*

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


buat gue hujan itu selalu membawa suasana tersendiri
hm... bebeberapa event pernah terjadi saat hujan...

pernah waktu hujan2, gue harus moto bundaran HI, karena uda datelinya, so gue musti nongkrong di HI nunggu moment, ujan2, bawa2 tripod and camera, sendirian pula,
ples pulangnya harus naek busway dewean wae
kebayang kan, penderitaannya??? :)

Dulu, bisa kenal ama ultramen juga gara2 ujan.
And setiap kali kita pegi pasti ujan...
walaupun pada awalnya cerah, tapi akhirnya pasti ujan
and it was quite often....
and pernah ada statement, "kalo ujan jadi inget kamu"
hahahhaaha (masa lalu, masa lalu *geleng2 kepala*!!)

gue juga pernah ujan2an bareng my ex jendral utk nyari kos2an di tanjung duren.
hm... lebih tepatnya nungguin sodara gue yg kenal sama ibu kos-nya siyh..
trus pake jas ujan... warna apa yah? kuning bukan yah? *short memory niyh*
hhehehe, maklum belom diupgrade...

oh iya, waktu gue pertama kali kerja di PK juga ujan gede banget.
Waktu itu kemeja lumayan lepek, padahal that is my first day...
waktu itulah gue and DONA tinggal serumah,
(gue yg ngungsi , dona yg punya rumah di MK)

yg kocak, waktu bencana banjir gede, and kami sekeluarga ngungsi di lantai dua (lt 2 rumahku).
waktu itu pam mati and terjadilah krisis air bersih...
jangankan buat mandi, buat minum ajah susah.
Jadi, gue and cici rela bangun jam 2 pagi buat keramas pake aer ujan...

and acara keramas berjamaah itu terjadi di teras rumah (biar gampang, ngambil aer ujannya)
bisa refil langsung pula...
hahahhaha... kocak bgt deh kalo inget itu...

yup, that are my memories of rain and until now I still love it.
I mean, i Love to rollin on my bed while it is raining, hihi...

Rains drop... Drops a rainbow

Ps: ika is waiting for another unforgotten experiences with the rain drops

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1. My favorite part of my body is my lips
2. My friends always make fun of me for being so small (I'm small including cute.. hehe)
3. The Movie i watch over and over is har-pot (it's on TV show, :P)
4. The Last book i read was New moon
5. The Most important thing I've learned from my mom is never give up to get what u want, there always a way out (she never tell me, but she does it many times, hihihi)
6. I can't resist a skinny jeans
7. My Favorite kind of date is the situation when I just feel so comfort with him, likes time never enough for us.
8. I feel sexiest when I am doing Yoga
9. My worst habit is very forgetful
10. The song I love to sing most is Unfaithful -Rihana (at the moment)
11. I wish i could stop spending money for shopping (it's harder than reach a good score)
12. I would never date a guy who Unfaithful (plin plan... how come I can rely on him if he just unfaithful about his self?)
13. I'd kill to meet with I don't think that I should do that.
14. On a random saturday, i can be found at college or church (I hav Saturday claas)
15. You'd be shocked to find out that i've never once gone to citoz, PIM (I just passed it but never enter... hiks..hiks)
16. My best piece of advice is always be thankful for any condition, and your life will be happier than before.
17. I just don't feel sexy unless I have thinner arms
18. The greatest compliment i've ever been given was.. hm... I forget.. but I think the best are all compliments which I said sincerely
19. The feature i get the most compliments on my body... hehheee (some people just want to as slim as me) hahhahahaha...
20. I’m in love when I miss some one much much much...
21. I could never date a guy who a playboy... thanks, but better not
22. Don't get between me and dateline time of my work
23. It takes me about an hour to get ready to go out at night~
24. I try to avoid JAYUS man (I have one in my work place)
25. The hottest guy in hollywood is Robert Pattinson I still hope that he will bite me
26. The best way to get over a breakup is shopping, but I agree with Pia to get another one, hahha
27. The last time i cried was hmmm..... about 10 month ago
28. My guilty pleasure is sleep after eat