Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmast? LETs go vacation

Merry X’mast….
Selamat natal yah…
Ga berasa, cepet banget uda natal lagi, artinya libur……. Lagi *dijitak*
Berdasarkan titah Romo (hahaha) katanya natal adalah waktu adalah moment yang tepat untuk saling memaafkan..
Yup, menurut gue maaf itu suatu hal sederhana, tapi kadang SUSAAAAH banget untuk dilakonin.
Baik untuk minta maaf maupun maafin orang lain… selalu aja ada alesan,

“Sakit tau digituin!!!!!!”
“iya, tapi gue ga nyangka dia bakal gitu”
“Dia tuh uda nusuk gue dari belakang, tau!!!”
“hmm… biarin ajahlah, ntar juga lupa ndiri”

Wah… banyak banget dah alesan yg muncul, and parahnya kadang org tidak menganggap maaf memaafkan bukan hal yg penting, padahal kalo itu sampai jadi KEPAITAN, wah susah juga tuh.
So let’s apologize or forgive someone in this wonderful moment. Kalo pada moment “Tuhan Datang” (baca: natal) kita masih susah maafin org, Apalagi besok atau lusa, saat kesibukan dan kesalahan semakin numpuk, akan jadi lebih susah lagi.

So, let’s Start it TODAY…
And I, my self also already forgive someone and I WOULD APOLOGIZE to all of you if I had done a mistake and not yet realized it. I deeply soooory for that.

Btw, sebelum liburan kemaren, ika and MAVENers yg laen, pegi ke bogor untuk sesi foto2. Kita take fotonya di kebun raya bogor… seruu banget deh.. karena semua maveners adalah banci foto (hahaha)
Jadi saking ga sabar nungguin giliran di foto ma fotografernya, akhirnya kita foto2 ndiri gt deh.. (pake hp MAsing2) hahahhahahaha….

Oiya… liburan pada mau kemana? Lau2 teh jadi ga ngunjungin mall di JKT buat hunting Ft?
Ah… indahnya hidup gue tahun ini, cos liburan kali ini I’m Going to BANGKA….
It’s my first trip to Bangka… Mau ngapain ka ke Bangka? Yah bikin film LASKAR PELANGI II donk!!
Hahahaha… ga lah.. want to spend my holiday ajah, katanya pantai di sono bagus2 banget…
Aduh so eager to go there and make my skin tanned. Hihihi… bisa jd sexy ky J.Lo ga yah? Hehehe (ngarep).. hm… ky Alicia. K jg gapaapa deh…… wkkwkwk…

Sooo waiting for story from BANGKA BELITUNG yah…..


Anonymous said...

Sepertinya g yang menjadi bahan kesalahan dari you? Let me clear the statement before you judge me too far.

I just asked a time to make a clearance within myself then you pushed me with your annoying phone.

I just changed my status to single then you judged me that I wanna be single. Hm... why takes so seriously about that thing? (Okay, Let me give it straight (I confess that I was looking for that girl. She's my adorable. I can't reach that girl at all. That's a long time ago. Me and my friend had a same adorable girl)). About the thing that I changed my status is to be alone for a moment.

Guess what I hope you're not judge someone in your opinion. You don't have any right to judge someone. Give a look why someone do that.

ika said...

hiii mike, for the first, Happy new year.

I don't know why u think like that, if it about the apologize (related to my post), but I think it's not about us. I do it every Christmas, apologize to everyone (specially if i feel I had mistake to them).

I'm sorry if I am disturbing you. But i do not mean like that. I just wanna share my thought, my moments to my friends, Including you, if you feel i am your friends =).

about something in the past, I think it's over and You do not need to explain again. I've forgotten boud that.

ps: I am not angry or feel that U are my enemy.

have a nice day mike.

(hm.. I think better IF u email me in case u are satisfied with this matter, not in blog.)

Anonymous said...

ok, thank you.