Monday, September 21, 2009

An angel was sent to help me

God was sent an angel to me last week..
and now he goes again, to find another people to be helped.

I sit down here and smile nicely..
hope one day, he will come here, take a rest, while sharing his experience with me...

tell me about a up to z
tell me from Adam & eve until ascending of Jesus
tell me about moon cake festival until Christmas
tell me from Advertising up to PR
tell me from SWOT up to SOSTAC, from naturalist up to constructivist
tell me about heaven and hell
tell me about many things that I don't know

and on that day, we'll have same smiley face.

He is my leverage..... leverage for mind, heart and faith.
Happy to know him and
Grateful to be his friend...

*a daily journal to remember my journey*

Friday, September 04, 2009

stop... take a nap..... and run.......................


numpang lewat... ika lagi sibuk neh, lebih tepatnya lagii dikejar2 dateline thesis siyh... kalo ga selesai harus bayar lagi 5,5 jt. Males bgt kan, mending buat jalan2 ke Belitong deh....

makanya maap yah kalo jadi jarang posting..
Beberapa hari yang lalu sempet kalut, kacau, eneg, takut, kawatir and kesel....
rasanya udah ga mau lagi ngerjain thesis... ga mau.. ga mau... CUKUP!!!!

bab 1 ampe 3 yang udah dikerjain selama 2 bulan ternyata salah semua (padahal pembimbing gue udah approve aje),
Menurut para panelis S2 harus rombak dari awal lagi...... and waktu sidang itu pembimbing gue ga dateng... (single fighter deh)

trus pihak2 terkait juga tidak koperatif dalam memberi data,
Di samping itu banyak juga pekerjaan laen yang ga mau melepaskan diri dari gue (Padahal gue dah bilang mau cutiiiii dulu dari semua hal)....

Malem itu gue kesel banget... and pressure-nya kuat banget...
waktu itu menjelang tengah malam, gue ga tau lagi mau ngomong ke siapa...
ga mungkin ngomong ke cici gue, secara dia uda bela2in gue buat S2, ga mungkin gue mengeluh ttg ini ke dia....
ini udah malem pula, ga kebayang ajah kalo telp one of charmed famz cuma buat ngoceh2 ga jelas.

Akhirnya gue telp Mr X..... (at least I am able to tell everything to him)
gue telp and ternyata dia uda siap2 mao tidur karena besok dia tugas ke ambon..

I just said....
" (his name), ga mau nulis lagi... cape.."

and he give me a long..long advise...
he asked me to stop think it for a while,
take a deep breath and eat or drink whatever I want,
Asked me do not consider of my weight and do not care how much fat in those food, just eat!!

just that...
but.. after 5 minutes, he send me a message. It full of to do list, what I suppose to do after I take a break... and he keep remind me to pray.
Many thanks to him for any help and support he gave.

Currently I do my best to complete my master degree,
hug and kiss from friends (thanks pue)often energize me....
I will fight for it...
I will keep survive...

nanti kalo uda selesai, kita jalan2 yah teman.... (teringat janji dengan amel and pia.... duit gajiannya uda ampir abis lage neh... (>_<) hehehehe)