Friday, January 30, 2009

update yo update


Welcome back in my web…
Hhehehe, maap teman-teman kalo ika lamaaa banget baru update…
Ada cerita bagus niyh… tau Titin kan? My lovely cousin, she is pregnant now…..
what a surprise, isn’t it? So soon, I’ll have a nice niece or nephew…
When I met her at Chinese new year, the pregnancy just about 2 weeks old (is it right that i say it old?)
And everyone is just curious and always remember her to becareful,
Hopefully next year, someone will call me aunty… hihihihi (small aunty)

What else yah????
Oh iya, thanx yah puput buat designnya,
Kemaren puput bantuin bikin logo maven yg baru,
I had forwarded to my boss put, but maybe because she still busy with other business, she hasn’t give any comment.

Btw, kantor ku mau pindah loh ke STC (Senayan Trade Center)
Padahal gue lebih suka kantor yg sekarang. Kantor yg sekarang di Benhil, and nyambung ma rumah boss gue. Tapi suasananya enak bgt, ples masakan bibi yg enak bin nikmat.
Selain itu, kantor gue yg sekarang deket ma pasar benhil yg rame ma jajanan pasar, and enak2 pula.

Nanti kalo pindah ke STC, paling makannya di foodcourt and mahal-mahal pula….
Trus gue akan lebih boros niyh kayanya secara kiri kanan tempat belanja, PS atau senci tinggal beberapa meter…. Hua…. hiks…hiks….

Now on ika lagi ngurusin beberapa even sekaligus, event macau, event CSR, daily report buat client, jadi map yah kalo sempet menghilang

Btw beberapa hari ini lagi kangen ma twenty one, terakhir mau ngajak lau2 nonton brides war tp lau2 belom sempet, mau ngajak keluarga Charm, kayanya proses ngumpulin org-nya ajah bakal panjang dan laamaaa (kaya coki-coki), keburu turun dah film-nya…

Aku juga pengen nonton film barunya Jason Stanham (si botak nan sexy itu) hahahhahaha
Pengen bgt nonton niyh, gue sempet nyesel ga keburu nonton australia caused waktu itu gue ke Bangka and pulangnya masih sibuk ngurus ini ono.

Anyway, Kalau jadi, minggu ini mau janjian sama ***** (dirahasiakan supaya tidak berefek samping) hahahaha
Kita mau refleksi brg hahahhaha..
Secara sesama pengguna kompi,
and sama2 menderita kepegalan pada otot bahu sebelah kanan…

Hm… sebenernya gue tau siyh, pijet2 seperti itu ga bagus buat badan, karena katanya dapat merangsang otot jadi ketagihan gt….
Yah karena uda terlanjur kecanduan, terusin ajah lah yah… Tanggung… hihihihi

Hm… oiya, ika mau potong poni niyh… tapi binun potong model samping atau potong lurus yah (model Japanese gt) kalo nyokap gue bilang, model dora… hahahahahha…
Kepengen juga potong model dora, kan aku belom pernah punya poni seperti itu…
Lucu atau culun yah jadinya?......*binun*

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


buat gue hujan itu selalu membawa suasana tersendiri
hm... bebeberapa event pernah terjadi saat hujan...

pernah waktu hujan2, gue harus moto bundaran HI, karena uda datelinya, so gue musti nongkrong di HI nunggu moment, ujan2, bawa2 tripod and camera, sendirian pula,
ples pulangnya harus naek busway dewean wae
kebayang kan, penderitaannya??? :)

Dulu, bisa kenal ama ultramen juga gara2 ujan.
And setiap kali kita pegi pasti ujan...
walaupun pada awalnya cerah, tapi akhirnya pasti ujan
and it was quite often....
and pernah ada statement, "kalo ujan jadi inget kamu"
hahahhaaha (masa lalu, masa lalu *geleng2 kepala*!!)

gue juga pernah ujan2an bareng my ex jendral utk nyari kos2an di tanjung duren.
hm... lebih tepatnya nungguin sodara gue yg kenal sama ibu kos-nya siyh..
trus pake jas ujan... warna apa yah? kuning bukan yah? *short memory niyh*
hhehehe, maklum belom diupgrade...

oh iya, waktu gue pertama kali kerja di PK juga ujan gede banget.
Waktu itu kemeja lumayan lepek, padahal that is my first day...
waktu itulah gue and DONA tinggal serumah,
(gue yg ngungsi , dona yg punya rumah di MK)

yg kocak, waktu bencana banjir gede, and kami sekeluarga ngungsi di lantai dua (lt 2 rumahku).
waktu itu pam mati and terjadilah krisis air bersih...
jangankan buat mandi, buat minum ajah susah.
Jadi, gue and cici rela bangun jam 2 pagi buat keramas pake aer ujan...

and acara keramas berjamaah itu terjadi di teras rumah (biar gampang, ngambil aer ujannya)
bisa refil langsung pula...
hahahhaha... kocak bgt deh kalo inget itu...

yup, that are my memories of rain and until now I still love it.
I mean, i Love to rollin on my bed while it is raining, hihi...

Rains drop... Drops a rainbow

Ps: ika is waiting for another unforgotten experiences with the rain drops

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1. My favorite part of my body is my lips
2. My friends always make fun of me for being so small (I'm small including cute.. hehe)
3. The Movie i watch over and over is har-pot (it's on TV show, :P)
4. The Last book i read was New moon
5. The Most important thing I've learned from my mom is never give up to get what u want, there always a way out (she never tell me, but she does it many times, hihihi)
6. I can't resist a skinny jeans
7. My Favorite kind of date is the situation when I just feel so comfort with him, likes time never enough for us.
8. I feel sexiest when I am doing Yoga
9. My worst habit is very forgetful
10. The song I love to sing most is Unfaithful -Rihana (at the moment)
11. I wish i could stop spending money for shopping (it's harder than reach a good score)
12. I would never date a guy who Unfaithful (plin plan... how come I can rely on him if he just unfaithful about his self?)
13. I'd kill to meet with I don't think that I should do that.
14. On a random saturday, i can be found at college or church (I hav Saturday claas)
15. You'd be shocked to find out that i've never once gone to citoz, PIM (I just passed it but never enter... hiks..hiks)
16. My best piece of advice is always be thankful for any condition, and your life will be happier than before.
17. I just don't feel sexy unless I have thinner arms
18. The greatest compliment i've ever been given was.. hm... I forget.. but I think the best are all compliments which I said sincerely
19. The feature i get the most compliments on my body... hehheee (some people just want to as slim as me) hahhahahaha...
20. I’m in love when I miss some one much much much...
21. I could never date a guy who a playboy... thanks, but better not
22. Don't get between me and dateline time of my work
23. It takes me about an hour to get ready to go out at night~
24. I try to avoid JAYUS man (I have one in my work place)
25. The hottest guy in hollywood is Robert Pattinson I still hope that he will bite me
26. The best way to get over a breakup is shopping, but I agree with Pia to get another one, hahha
27. The last time i cried was hmmm..... about 10 month ago
28. My guilty pleasure is sleep after eat